From every nation and tribe …

“After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.” Revelation 7:9 - this verse always comes to mind when traveling and teaching in different cultures and hearing different languages during the training. It was not different in northern Nigeria last week.

Praise God with us for an amazing two weeks in Nigeria - it is such a privilege to spend time with brothers and sisters who wants to grow in God’s Word and serve there people more though what they learn.

Pray with us that the seed that was sown will grow strong roots and bear much fruit through the work of the Spirit.

Please give 5 minutes and listen to the testimonies in the Youtube video below.

And pray and ask if you should not contribute a small amount every month to make further training in these areas of Africa possible? Contact Ivan or click on the DONATE button on the top of the page.

Have a blessed Easter weekend full of awe of what we have received in Christ!


Inspiring …


Being inspired …